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JCoSS unveils programme for gifted students

JCoSS has published plans to support and accelerate the learning of its top ten percent of students.

Although the school offers a varied curriculum, designed to stretch all its children to achieve their full potential, JCoSS has put together a specific programme to meet the needs of gifted and talented students who display a potential to exhibit exceptional performance in one or more areas of endeavour and in expressive arts.

The programme will include:

• Accelerated setting, particularly in Languages and Mathematics;
• The opportunity to take exams early when appropriate, most notably in Science, Ivrit and Mathematics;
• Extension activities, such as studying statistics or further Maths;
• Enrichment activities, such as the opportunity to mentor primary school children;
• Registration and activities with NAGTY (National Association of Gifted and Talented Youth);
• Creative and Performing Arts workshops.

Announcing the initiative, JCoSS Headteacher, Jeremy Stowe-Lindner, says:

“Every student has gifts and talents. JCoSS is an academic school and it’s already our declared target to be in the top 10% of UK schools for progress.

“We recognise, however, that some students benefit from the being challenged that bit earlier to go that bit further. Our gifted and talented programme reflects our commitment to offer excellence at all levels and meets the individual needs of each of students, whatever their abilities.

JCoSS is to appoint a Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator to work with all staff to identify, track, support and challenge gifted and talented children. Progress and attainment will be tracked alongside national and local data.

For more information click here.


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