Examination Performance

Key Stage 4 (GCSE) Results






2024 (estimates)

Progress 8 score How much progress have students made at JCoSS over and above national expectations? The figure is expressed as a decimal of a grade added by JCoSS, per student per subject.




Attainment 8 score

How well did students do on average in their best 8 ‘qualifying subjects’ at GCSE? 8=A* 7=A 6=B 5=C 4=D 3=E 2=F 1=G




% of pupils who achieved a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and maths at the end of KS4



70 76

% achieving the English Baccalaureate (EBacc)

In 2017, this was the percentage of pupils achieving the EBacc, so pupils who got a grade 5 or above in English and maths, and a grade C or above in the science, humanities and language pillars of the EBacc.




Average point score (APS) for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc)

In 2018, the EBacc attainment measure will change to an average point score (EBacc APS), showing pupils’ point scores across the 5 pillars of the EBacc

5.17 4.78 4.93

% of grades that were 7-9






% of grades that were 4-9






% Achieving 5 or more GCSEs at 4-9 Inc English and Maths (Standard)



84.7 87.9

% of students staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4 (pupil destinations).





Key Stage 5 (A level) Results

2019: We are delighted to announce another record-breaking set of A level results, once again our best ever results by a considerable distance.  8 students have secured their places at Oxbridge, and another has secured her place at medical school.  Overall, 44% of grades were either A* or A, and 76% were at Grade B or above.

2023: We are delighted to announce a truly exceptional set of public examination results for our Year 13 students. 7 students have secured their places at Oxbridge / Medical School and the great majority of the year group have places confirmed at their chosen universities.  

Across all our A Level and Cambridge Technical Qualifications 52% of grades were at A*/A (or equivalent). At A Level 77% of grades were Grade B or above. In Vocational subjects 28% of grades were Distinction* and 71% of grades were Distinction or better.

2024:  This year’s results are truly exceptional achievements and we are immensely proud of our young people. Across all our A Level and Cambridge Technical Qualifications 53% of grades are at A*/A (or equivalent). A Level results are particularly impressive with 80% of grades being awarded A*- B. In our Vocational subjects, 35% of grades are Distinction* level, and 75% of all grades are Distinction or better.

Key Stage 5 A Level Results

Measure 2019 2023 2024
APS per entry 42.99 42.92 43.88
Average Grade per entry B+ B+ B+
% BBB or better 52.6 51 56


Key Stage 5 Vocational Results

Measure 2019 2023 2024
APS per entry 35.95 36.16 37.41
Average Grade per entry D D= D+


Link to Department for Education School and College Performance Tables