Male staff at JCoSS will be growing moustache’s during November, renamed Movember in honour of the moustache. Our aims are to raise as much money as possible for worthy causes that may assist any father, uncle, brother, grandfather, or son amongst us in the future, and to get people talking about men’s health. Men are less likely to schedule a doctor’s appointment when they feel ill or go for a checkup, therefore decreasing the chance of early detection and effective treatment of common diseases. Studies show that many men don’t get regular health checks for the following reasons:
- Fear it will lead to a hospital visit
- Embarrassment around discussing their health issues
- Finding it too hard to see a doctor because they can’t fit it into their schedule
- Can’t be bothered making an appointment
Statistics show that, on average, men die at a younger age than women – the average life expectancy for men is four years less than women. Things are beginning to change, but much more progress needs to be made to close the gap between the state of men’s and women’s health. Established taboos and barriers relating to men’s health are gradually being broken down.
Movember aims to change the face of men’s health and reverse this way of thinking by putting a fun twist on this serious issue. Using the moustache as a catalyst, we want to bring about change and give men the opportunity and confidence to talk about their health more openly.
Movember’s campaign objective is to raise awareness of men’s health issues, specifically cancers affecting men. We want everyone to know that most cancers are highly curable if caught in the early stages – including prostate and testicular cancer. Movember aims to increase early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment, as this will ultimately reduce the number of deaths from cancer.
- More than 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime
- Prostate, colon, lung and breast cancers account for over half of the cancer diagnosis in the UK
- Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the UK. Over 40,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer ever year and there are 250,000 men currently living with the disease
- 1 in 9 men in the UK are likely to face prostate cancer in their lifetime. This is comparable to the 1 in 9 women that are estimated to get breast cancer
We hope you follow our moustache growing efforts, enjoy the film we produce and donate any money you are able to. Further updates will follow during November or on my Movember page with links to other members of the team at
Mr G Davies