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Over six hundred prospective parents and pupils attended JCoSS’s first public exhibition on Sunday and Monday 2/3 November. Hosted at the site of JCoSS’s future building, at times parents were queueing out the door on the Sunday when the exhibition received over 450 visitors.

A further 150 attended on the Monday evening despite appalling weather conditions.   They were among the first to be able to take a virtual tour of JCoSS specially created from architects drawings to give parents a real feel of what the school will be like.   

Addressing the attendees, Robert Shrager, Chair of Governors said:  

“Imagining, designing, building and delivering a school from scratch is one of the most exciting, and challenging, things I’ve ever done. 

“Today is the day JCoSS begins to feel real.  Like you, today has been the first time I have been able to take the virtual tour – of course I’ve pored over plans and diagrams but it’s not the same.  JCoSS is really taking shape.

“Our aim is that JCoSS will provide something really special.   We want to bring out the very best in our children, whether it is in the academic sphere or vocationally.   We will offer a full range of extra-curricular activities alongside the National Curriculum and an inspirational Jewish education, a high level of pastoral care and excellent sports facilities.  

“We want to equip our children to make the best of the opportunities available to them after school, whether at University or at work, and to be proud, informed and confident members of the Jewish community whatever their denomination.   And also to understand and be tolerant of those whose practice of Judaism differs from their own, and of other religions, and of those with disabilities.”

You can take the JCoSS virtual tour, here on the website.

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