Who contributed financially to JCoSS?
Originally set up in July 2001 in response to a growing demand from parents, JCoSS is now an independent, voluntary body, which operates through the Jewish Community Secondary School Trust, a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee.
JCoSS is working in partnership with Norwood, the UK’s leading Jewish children and family services charity. JCoSS enjoys the formal support of three of the UK’s five main Jewish movements as well as very many individuals and Jewish community organisations.
Around 75% of the capital funding – around £36 million – came from central government. The rest – around £10-12 million – was raised from every section of our community from secular to mainstream Orthodox, led by Gerald Ronson. Obviously for reasons of confidentiality we can’t talk about individual donors, although our President, Gerald Ronson, has made public his contribution of £1million for which we are incredibly grateful. The Pears family has generously supported the Special Resource Provision.
JCoSS is a state school, funded by the Government and the Local Education Authority. In common with other faith schools, parents are invited to make a voluntary contribution to fund the cost of supporting the school’s Jewish ethos and security as this is not covered by statutory funding.
How do you allocate your pupil premium grant?
Please click here to explain how we allocate our pupil premium grant.
What is the school’s charging policy?
JCoSS provides free education for children of all abilities. Parents are asked for a voluntary contribution so that students can benefit from our unique Jewish Ethos, the state of the art security infrastructure and the extra facilities we provide. We do not receive funding for these, therefore parental contributions are extremely important.
The Governors reserve the right to charge in the following instances:
- Where a family opts for a child to have private lessons (eg musical instrument, singing, bnei mitzva classes).
- Where a family opts for a child to enter an examination that is not a normal part of the JCoSS curriculum.
- Where a family opts for a child to participate on a school visit which is not a compulsory part of the curriculum
- Board and lodgings on a residential school visit unless the student is in receipt of free school meals. A voluntary contribution will be requested to cover the other aspects of the trip.
- Cost of ingredients/materials for practical subjects (eg Food Technology).
- Other than stationery, JCoSS will provide all materials, including exercise books and textbooks, necessary for in-school curriculum access. Additional items for home use, such as dictionaries and calculators, may be purchased by parents.
School Financial Benchmarking Service
Please click here to view the JCoSS page for the school financial benchmarking service.