Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education and British Values

The JCoSS position on all spiritual, moral, social and cultural values is robust and explicit. Our ethos of Jewish pluralism, the promotion of equality and the preparation for students for a full part in British society is very well known within the school and in the wider community. The British flag (together with the Israeli flag) is on prominent display in the Heart Space of the School. We consider that the ‘British Values’ at stake in this concern are the same as ‘Jewish Values’ as we understand them to be.  

Please click here to view our British Values and Community Cohesion policy.

Below are some extracts from Governors’ policy documents which make this position clear; salient points are highlighted. Further down the document is a summary of some aspects of our provision for SMSC.

The following extracts from other policies make clear the school’s commitment to equality, diversity and mutual respect:

From the Behaviour for Learning Policy

A key part of the school’s behavioural ethos is “teshuvah”. This richly nuanced notion includes the ideas of return, repentance, repair and reconciliation following wrong or hurtful behaviour. Whatever sanctions may be administered, there is an overriding need for making good the damage that has been done in relationships with the person injured, with the wider community, with one’s truest self and with God.  After any serious incident, all those involved need to reflect upon what has happened and take responsibility for their own behaviour, asking questions such as:

  • What went wrong and why?
  • What is the wider context which may have led to this incident?
  • How can I put it right?
  • How can I avoid the same thing happening again?
  • How can I avoid bitterness and entrenchment of attitudes in myself and in the wider community?

From the Equal Opportunities Policy:

The JCoSS community comprises a wide variety of people, with varied backgrounds, lifestyles and cultures, both within and beyond the Jewish community. It is a diversity which enriches our lives and the educational process… Central to our ethos is the phrase ‘elu v’elu divrei elokim chaim’ – these, and these, are the words of the living God. In practice, this means that every member of our community is equally valued, their beliefs and choices are equally valid, and their happiness, safety and security are equally important.

We recognise, value and welcome the diversity of our school community. This is reflected in our intake, our stakeholders, our curriculum and our values.  We are committed to the pursuit of equal opportunities for all members of the school community, and are opposed to all forms of unfair discrimination which may hurt or disadvantage individuals or groups in school.

The school recognises its responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010. In line with (and in addition to) this Act, we are opposed to direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of:

  • age
  • disability and health
  • ethnicity
  • gender identity and gender reassignment
  • Jewish Status as a result of descent or conversion
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • maternity and pregnancy
  • neurodiversity
  • physical appearance
  • Religion and belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation and identity 
  • socio-economic status (class)
  • trade union activity 
  • race, as defined by a person’s race, colour and nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins

From the Staff Code of Conduct:

Staff need to demonstrate the characteristics they are trying to inspire in students, including a spirit of intellectual enquiry, tolerance, honesty, fairness, patience, a genuine concern for other people and an appreciation of different backgrounds.

From the Performance Appraisal (Teachers) Policy:

Teachers are required to demonstrate that they fulfil the Teachers’ Standards which include the following (included in the policy)

Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour,   within and outside school, by:

  1. Treating students with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher’s professional position
  2. Having regard to the need to safeguard students’ well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions
  3. Showing tolerance of and respect for the rights of others
  4. Not undermining fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
  5. Ensuring that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit students’ vulnerability or might lead them to break the law

From the Relationships and Sex Education Policy:

Our approach to RSE will take account of:

  • Gender identity:  All students will be taught together for RSE, if deemed appropriate by the leadership of the school. We shall also be proactive in combating sexism, sexist bullying, gender stereotyping and transphobic bullying.
  • Sexual Orientation:  Our approach to RSE will be fully inclusive and refer to all types of relationships. We shall also be proactive in combatting homophobic and biphobic bullying.

SMSC Provision Map

Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural aspects of education are seen throughout all aspects of the school’s work, in interactions between students and teachers, in the ethos. It is hard to separate out one strand from another; the categories are therefore blurred (hence the dotted gridlines). Our provision for this was noted as Outstanding in November 2022, and is embedded across the work of the school.

Please click here to view the Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural and British Values at JCoSS.