Kvutzah (PSHCE)

‘Kvutzah’, a Hebrew term from the root of the word ‘community’, is our name for Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education. Through Kvutzah (PSHCE), we ensure that we cover all of the statutory guidance on Relationships, Sex and Health Education, as well as additional topics that are relevant to our students.

Kvutzah (PSHCE) focuses on the following areas of learning:

  • Careers and Employability
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Healthy Living
  • Managing Money
  • Media Literacy
  • Personal and Internet Safety
  • Relationships and Sex Education
  • Substance Misuse.

Kvutzah (PSHCE) is taught by a team of specialist teachers, who have been trained to teach this important subject. You will find policies relevant to this subject on the policies page of the website: https://jcoss.org/about-us/jcoss-policies