Ivrit (Hebrew/Modern Hebrew)

All students study Ivrit (Hebrew) in Year 7 and many continue it in Year 8 and on to GCSE. It is taught through the Modern Languages skills framework of Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. All students have the opportunity to develop their Ivrit language skills regardless of their Ivrit background. They are given the tools and opportunities to study the language in a meaningful and enjoyable way. The Ivrit curriculum is focused on student participation, collaboration and independent learning. Regular assessments and classes divided into sets ensure that students continually make the progress expected of them.

At the end of year 9, students can choose Modern Hebrew as a GCSE option. The course assesses the 4 skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The listening exam consists of items varying at length such as comprehension of announcements, short conversations, instructions and short news items; longer texts include in additional reference to various tenses. The reading exam consists of short items such as public notices and advertisements, and longer extracts such as letters, newspapers, e-mails. Students’ reading comprehension will be tested by a range of questions types. The speaking exam consists of two sections, Presentation & Discussion and General Conversation. The writing exam provides students with the opportunity to use a variety of written structures, expressing their personal opinions. Students will also have to write in a descriptive and imaginative manner.

By choosing to learn Modern Hebrew for GCSE, candidates will enhance their knowledge of the language of Israel and that of millions of people in Jewish communities worldwide, equipping them to spend a year gap in Israel after graduating from school or university. Learning a Modern foreign language is highly regarded by reputable colleges and universities.