

What is involved?

Who for?

Year 10 residential trip to Spain. ADT and Spanish students visit and explore historical and cultural aspects in Southern Spain over 5 days. Students gain an insight on how to be inspired from surroundings which supports advancements in their coursework. KS4 
Life Drawing GCSE and A Level students are offered after school life drawing sessions where they have the opportunity to draw from a professional life model.  This helps them to improve their figure drawing skills.  Those students who are applying for art courses in further education are able to include this work in their portfolios.

KS4 and 5

Museum/Gallery Visit. GCSE Art students take a trip to an Art Gallery. The trip is designed to support their coursework and exam units.  Seeing art work at first hand is a vital part of understanding art


KS4 and 5 Booster sessions After school workshops to enable exam groups to use the studios outside of lessons to work on their projects.

KS4 and 5

Art Club Lunch sessions for students to take part in art activities that they wouldn’t normally experience during art lessons. KS3