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Record Breaking JCoSS A Level Results

We are delighted to announce another record-breaking set of A level results, once again our best ever results by a considerable distance.  8 students have secured their places at Oxbridge, and another has secured her place at medical school.  Overall, 44% of grades were either A* or A, and 76% were at Grade B or above.

Among many outstanding individual A level performances are those of:

Sam Lachmann  A*A*A*A*

Daniel Turaev  A*A*A*A*

Itay Yaniv  A*A*A*A

Maya Edelstein  A*A*A*A

Isaac Lobatto  A*A*A*

Noam Solomons Wise  A*A*A*

Caitlin Grills  A*A*A

Asher Kelvin  A*A*A

Zed Shoop  A*A*A

Joel Waters A*A*A


In vocational subjects, 70% of all grades were at Distinction (equivalent to an A grade) or better, with grades at Merit or better.   Outstanding performances included:

Yllka Humolli  Dist* Dist Dist

Hannah Chesler  Dist* Dist Dist


There are many other students whose grades are stunning either as raw results or in terms of their personal achievement against challenging odds, or both.

With more Oxbridge offers still outstanding, the great majority of the year group have places confirmed at their chosen universities and are now set to embark on courses including Medicine, Maths, Engineering, Economics, the Arts, Business and Science at many prestigious institutions. Others are heading into employment or other routes.

6 students scored A* in at least 3 subjects, and over a quarter of the A level cohort scored at least 2 A grades.  Special mention must also go to those who achieved grades far beyond their targets: Caitlin Grills exceeded them by a total of 9 grades, Maddi Buchi and Cydney Harding by 7 grades each, Asher Kelvin by 5 grades, Alice Bordell, Sam Kelly, Tom Luxon and Ellie Stone by 4 grades.  Yllka Humolli, William Glazer, Tahlia Lorenz, Benji Radnor Teo Ungar scored well beyond targets on vocational courses.

Headteacher Patrick Moriarty commented:

‘We are delighted by another set of excellent results, and by further increases on all previous years.  Both academic and vocational outcomes are testament to the exceptional hard work and dedication of staff and students.  We are proud to combine being an inclusive school with having 8 students taking up places at Oxbridge.

‘We take pride not only in the academic accomplishments of our students but in the qualities that have grown in them during their time at JCoSS.  They leave as accomplished Mensches, embodying the values of the school and the wider community, and ready to act as ambassadors for both as they step forward on the next phase of their journey.’

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