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Maths Achievements at JCoSS

It has been a fantastic year so far for the Mathematics Department. We have experienced many successes which are testament to the effort, determination and aspiration of the students here at JCoSS. Last term Miss Viner accompanied four Year 10 students (Poppy Simons, Ethan Levenson, Lia Avidor and Stefan Tucker) to the ‘Year 10 Maths Feast’ organised by the FMSC. In a competitive environment students are able to feast on mathematics puzzles to their hearts content. The event allowed them to explore the discipline of mathematics without the constraints of the curriculum and really stretch and challenge their thinking and understanding. We were able to celebrate finishing 2nd in the competition and whilst disappointed we didn’t win, we understand that this was a significant achievement. It has motivated us to be more determined and train harder with our currently Year 9 group in order to go back next year and win.

With this in mind we move onto our second significant achievement. Thursday 23rd March saw JCoSS send four students ( two Year 8, two Year 9) to the UKMT intermediate Region challenge.  We have been entered for this competition for a number of years and the highest we have come was 7th. This year I am thrilled to announce that we came 4th. As if this wasn’t good enough we were elated to find out that all the schools ahead of us were private and/or selective. Well done to Aran Haber (Y9), Adam Tobiansky (Y9), Ava Gubbay (Y8) and Eitan Richards (Y8).

We were also able to celebrate a record number of students getting to the ‘Kangaroo’ stage of the UKMT individual challenge.  11 students reached this stage with 6 students Daniel Garaiebner, Aran Haber, Isaac Lobatto, Itay Yaniv, Daniel Turaev and Samuel Lachmann achieving a merit (awarded to the Top 25%).

James Saker reached the Olympiad round – a paper reserved for the highest 1,000 scoring pupils – a wonderful opportunity for him.  With just over 140 pupils entered, 17 achieved Gold, 21 achieved Silver and 31 achieved bronze. We congratulate everyone who sat the challenge! We are still awaiting the results for Year 7 and 8 who sat their challenge in April.

by Mr Senessie

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