For the first time, JCoSS is participating in the Youth Travel Ambassador (YTA) programme. This is an exciting new venture forming part of our School Travel Plan.
Our YTAs are 10 students from Year 8: Lucy Pitter, Albany Madisson, Arielle Spivac, Lily Marson, Ollie Sugarman, Mia Rabilizirova, Sheli Appel, Ben Harringman, Erin Walfisz and Adam Daniels.
With the support of a Barnet Council officer and a TFL representative, the YTAs have spent months researching and working on a common issue found amongst the JCoSS students and staff, namely Pedestrian Road Safety. The YTAs were challenged to prepare a pitch with all their ideas of how to educate their peers on this topic, and to present to a panel of judges in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style event at Hendon Town Hall on 9th February. The students did an amazing job and presented confidently and enthusiastically in front of 4 judges and 5 other Barnet secondary schools. They handled challenging questions from the panel with ease and were awarded the full £250 prize money to bring their campaign to life.
Well done to our YTAs!