JCoSS are pleased to announce the A level results for the last of our small 6th form cohorts, achieved by 23 students who came to our 6th form from previous schools. We are delighted that for the second year running 38% of all grades were either an A* or A, and two-thirds of grades were at B or above.
Patrick Moriarty, Headteacher commented, “These students have only been with us for two years, and these excellent results reflect the hard work put in by students and teachers alike. They have sustained the successes of previous years: amongst many wonderful achievements are those of Head Boy Aaron Spalter who achieved A*A*A, Olivia Raymond-Hayling and Nick Faulkner who both achieved A*AA, and Talia Samuels who achieved AAA.
Two JCoSS students will take up places at Medical School this year, and one will take up a place at Cambridge; the great majority of students who applied for university places have comfortably met either their firm or insurance offers.
We are also delighted by the AS results achieved by Year 12, who are our first full-size cohort who have come through the school. In this transitional year for A level exams, they have far exceeded expectations and we look forward to their final results next year.”