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JCoSS World Record Attempt to create a human Magen Dovid!
Yesterday, our new Year 7, Year 12, staff and even Rob Rinder participated in the most incredible attempt to break a Guinness Book of World Record to create a human Magen Dovid!! It was an amazing event, which was organised and managed expertly by our Head Student Team together with Mrs Raven. The idea was the creation of our Deputy Head Student Luke Godfrey, who was instrumental in pulling everything together.
We needed 250 people to break the record and our shape was created by 531 people, with the Mayor of Barnet Nagus Narenthira and Rabbi Miriam Berger there to officiate. We now need to wait for up to 12 weeks for the official confirmation from Guinness to be given.
We are so thrilled to have been part of this special event, and thanks to Luke, JCoSS will hopefully now be in the Guinness Book of World Records!! 🤩🤩🤩
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