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The Brilliant Club

The wonderful thing about Purim at JCoSS is the joy and spirit with which everyone participates.  This year saw a huge variety of workshops and activities taking place throughout the school, including drumming, circus skills, a murder mystery, graffiti and stand-up comedy.  In addition Years 7 and 8 made mischloach manot (gifts of food) and Purim greetings which were distributed to local Jewish Care homes.

Lunchtime saw live music, dancing and lots of sweet treats in the Heart Space, as well as a balloon modelling stand and a photo booth.  We had a modern re-telling of the Purim story, a spoof newsletter and the premier of the JCoSS staff Purimspiel (you can find it on our website or on Youtube!). 

There were some fantastic costumes from students and staff, some of which displayed great creativity and others great nerve!

Every part of the school participated in making such a great day happen – a huge thank you to the teaching and support staff, site team and catering team for being so supportive and such good sports.  Congratulations to the Art and Humanities departments for winning the staff team costume prizes as well as to Ms Burman and Rabbi Barratt for winning the individual costume prizes.

Most importantly we raised well over £1000 for our school charities whilst celebrating Purim in style!

Ms S Levan


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