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Informal Jewish Education January Report

The informal Jewish Education department have had a great start to 2014, with celebrations for Tu B’Shevat – the New Year for Trees.  Students collected fruit and made
up fruit baskets for families in need which were distributed with help from our friends at GIFT.   Students spent their lunchtime on Tu B’Shevat  planting herbs and making ‘grass heads’ to take home and enjoy.

We also welcomed representatives from all the Zionist youth movements to our Summer Programmes Fair, giving students the opportunity to hear about the youth movements and their summer programmes first hand. 

The Year 7 Shabbaton took place at the end of January at Skeet house in Kent.  The group spent Shabbat together in a warm and fun – and of course pluralist – environment.  A great time was had by all and we are already looking forward to the Year 7 York trip in the summer! 















We commemorated Holocaust Memorial Day in school with a very exciting project.  Mr Moriarty hosted a panel discussion with a Holocaust Survivor and a survivor of the Bosnian War who spoke to a group of students about their experiences.  Our Media Department filmed the event, and the edited film was shown on Holocaust Memorial Day Jan 27th throughout the school and was followed by a memorial service. A copy of the film is available on the school website.

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