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Back to school for JCoSS Grandparents

Over 180 Grandparents went back to school on Wednesday 6 November and enjoyed an afternoon of tea and “kvelling” both over the school and – at the end of the afternoon – with their avidly awaiting grandchildren. The Caterplus team provided tea and cake, whilst our guests were serenaded by Ben Feigenbaum playing piano in the cafeteria and entertained by Jay Sand’s magical skills.

The Annual Grandparents’ Tea is always popular, and this year was no different. There was a palpable sense of  enjoyment and delight as Natalie Sternberg sang a beautiful song from Carousel, Jamie Lesser played some Mozart and Ben Feigenbaum some Chopin.

Mr Moriarty shared his vision for the school, but also showcased the remarkable achievements made by JCoSS students and thanked the grandparents for allowing us the privilege of teaching their grandchildren.

At the end of the afternoon, grandparents met up with their grandchildren who joyously schlepped them around the school.  The children were so proud of JCoSS, and this pride was shared and enjoyed.

Many thanks to all the staff who helped in the organisation of the afternoon, to CaterPlus for the tea and to The Flower and Balloon Room for donating
the beautiful balloons. Huge thanks also to our student ambassadors who ‘meeted and greeted’ and made sure that our guests were comfortable.
Thanks also, of course, to the enormously talented musicians, Mr Rosenberg for his compering skills and our ‘in-house’ magician who entertained our guests.

Everyone’s hard work contributed to a lovely afternoon and as more than one grandparent mentioned on their way out “I wish I could go back to school!”

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