Last Half-Term saw the first JCoSS trip to the Hackney Picturehouse in conjunction with UK Jewish Film and Hackney Roots. Students viewed ‘Sixty-six’ – a film in which a boy’s Bar-mitzvah looks set to be a disaster when it coincides with the 1966 World Cup Final. 185 students, 21 staff and 2 coaches combined to create an absolutely fantastic trip, thoroughly enjoyed by students and staff alike. The notion of schlepping the whole of Year 8, and Mr Rosenberg, across London was a somewhat daunting prospect but, thanks to the outstanding contribution of staff and superb behaviour of students, everything went swimmingly.
We were joined by Year 8 students from King Solomon High School and were hosted by Rachel Burns and Sam Palis – both of whom have been visiting JCoSS over the last half-term teaching about Jewish roots in Hackney.
Year 8 engaged with the film brilliantly and it was pleasure to see them roaring with laughter at the funny parts, weeping at the sad parts and cheering with great gusto when England scored the winning goal in the World Cup final.
Thanks to our students, who were a credit to the school, and particular thanks to their Year Learning Coordinator Miss Nathan.