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Paris 2012!

This term saw the first JCoSS foreign residential trip take place as 50 Year students and 6 members of staff headed off for a week of fun and learning in the French capital. Leaving school at 7am on the Sunday morning seemed horribly unreasonable to all involved (including the bleary eyed parents!) but everyone got there on time, had passports and enough sweets to last a lifetime! We spent the first day travelling but arrived at Notre Dame just in time to see the towers lit up by sunshine. After a mad dash on foot down the hectic Boulevard Saint-Michel we made to the Matana restaurant for our first meal à la française. I’m sure students will agree that the staff at the restaurant were lovely and put in the great deal of effort to making our visits there fun and easy.

The next four days were spent visiting the Eiffel Tower, going on a boat cruise, visiting the Marais and the Jewish Museum, seeing the sites in the Science Museum and of course spending a full day in Disneyland. I don’t know who was more excited about Disney – the students or Mr De Jong! The weather was glorious for the most part and the only time we were rained on we were stood under tress eating freshly made crêpes. Not all bad then! The students got the chance to practise their French at the planetarium learning about the stars and the seasons, when ordering their crêpes and while entertaining French students with their singing and guitar playing (thank you Nik, Tom, Cole and Mrs Armon!).

The students themselves were a credit to the school and to their families, as they behaved with great maturity, had a fabulous sense of humour and really got involved with everything. Here’s to next year!

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