JCoSS Students Give Back
“If I am not for myself, who is for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I?” Hillel, Pirkei Avot.
JCoSS students continue to amaze us with their kind hearts and willingness to give of themselves to help others. We raised an outstanding £300 on Jeans for Genes day. Mrs Follett said “it is essential that students relate their theoretical Science knowledge and understanding to real world issues and solutions; this fund raising event gives students an opportunity to apply their knowledge and understanding and appreciate the impact their contributions and understanding would have on others.”
Since launching our Gift it Forward project, we have been overwhelmed with extremely generous gifts which will be given to those less fortunate than ourselves. In addition, students have been out collecting tzedaka (charity) for Magen David Adom and have filled up their ambulances with a phenomenal £127 already. In addition we have been inundated with student volunteers for our weekly sandwich making project Manna from Heaven.
We can not thank you enough for all of your support – together we are really making a difference.