Digital Media Cambridge Technical (Extended Certificate)

Examination Board – OCR

The Extended Certificate course is equivalent to one A level consists of 6 units of study.

Course Content

The Cambridge Technical in Digital Media is a vocational course which gives students the opportunity to develop their portfolio of work-related skills. It is excellent preparation for employment post sixth form but works equally well to support a student looking to apply for university.

Media is ever-changing with new technology leading its development. You will explore a range of digital media and moving image industries. You will devise exciting and creative solutions to projects, through the use of a variety of video and digital media technology. You will be given the opportunity to specialise in digital media or moving image in a variety of projects.

The course will focus on:

  • Film production
  • Structure and analysis of the media industry
  • Design using software packages including Photoshop and InDesign
  • TV, radio, gaming and magazine industries
    • Multimedia editing using Final Cut Pro
  • Photography, page layout and design.
  • Advertising and Marketing

On the course you will:

  • Create a range of digital media solutions through a variety of projects
  • Make posters, title sequences, films and web pages
  • Research current industry practices and visit TV studios and screenings
  • Make your own film products
  • Improve your communication skills
  • Be offered opportunities for work-based learning and work experience.


All Technical courses contain a number of units of study assessed by the school, and a further 2 units that can take the form of a task or written exam that is set and marked externally by the exam board.


Students need to be self-motivated and able to work on extended research and practical projects. Organisation and presentation skills are important as is an enthusiasm to learn about and create Media.